Saturday, July 01, 2006

"I'd Shoot Myself" and Other Truths We Don't Need to Hear

So, today I am sitting at McDonald's with my three wonderful children enjoying a nice healthy meal when in walk three seemingly nice old ladies. The conversation goes as usual.
-"Are they triplets?"
"No, twins and a 3-year-old."
-"This one has brown eyes and this one has blue eyes."
-"They must be a handful."
Then, as they were walking away, one of the ladies says "I'd shoot myself!" Now, is this supposed to be some kind of a dig or some kind of a compliment? Why does this person feel that it is acceptable to say in not so many words: "I'd hate to have your life." In front of my three little angels no less.

This appears to be the same flavor of person that walks into my office and tells me "You look tired today." Thanks. What in God's name makes you think that I want to hear this first thing in the morning? Especially if I am tired! There are some truths that don't need to be pointed out.

What ever happened to the little white lie? Or better yet - if you don't have something nice to say, say nothing at all. I don't know about you, but I don't need to hear an unsolicited "What happened to your hair?" I wish these self-appointed truth-tellers would show a little restraint and keep their thoughts to themselves.