Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I just have to put in a plug for Freecycle. I think it is the best thing ever.Whether you are sending something you don't need anymore to a good home, or requesting something that you need very much and someone else may be able to part with, it is a win-win situation!

Everyone should go and join their local group now: http://www.freecycle.org.

Monday, July 23, 2007


This Monday morning, as I am sluggishly driving into my parking lot under my office building – no make-up, no coffee - I flash my I.D. badge at the security guard as routine and policy dictates. Before the guard will grant me the wave that acknowledges I am free and clear to pass through the check mark, he looks at me disapprovingly, uses his two forefingers to draw a semi-circle upwards from his chin and commands me to “smile.” So, I begrudgingly grant him a small curve of the lips which I intend to imply not that I am happy, but that I am doing this only so he will leave me alone and let me pass without incident. As soon as I am out of his sight, my lips return to their comfortable pursed and intent position.

Why is it that men (and it is always men) feel the need to tell young women to smile. Is it our job to walk around with an artificial cheery disposition from the moment we awake for their viewing pleasure?

In the appropriate situation, I am all in favor of smiles. A smile is a wonderful thing, an expression of joy. But it should come from a sincere place: a smile reflecting happiness on a sunny spring day, a warm and reassuring smile to a stranger as you hold the elevator for them, a smile because it is Friday afternoon and you are free to enjoy the lovely weekend.

But in the appropriate situation, I am all in favor of not smiling. Whether it is a moment of deep deliberation regarding the state of your cash flow, or a time of mourning after finishing the last page of the 7th Harry Potter book, or simply because it is Monday morning and your weekend is over and you have not yet had your coffee…

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Two Things

I just received this link for a little game called "Two Things". The concept is that every topic can be summed up to two main points. It is pretty funny...


Here is mine. What's yours?

Two Things About Love
1. You can't get too much
2. You can't give too much


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

All Wet

I've been to so many showers, weddings, etc. that I am soaked! I actually love showers. I love celebrating these monumental and happy times in people's lives. I love sitting around eating finger food and sipping coffee. I love watching the showeree open up the same diaper champ and boppy pillow that I have seen so many times before.

That part I don't like is getting through that awkward planning process. This is when all the ladies close to the showeree attempt to work together to plan a nice event without stepping on toes or offending each other. Don't get me wrong, I love planning in general. I could plan all day long (in fact, that's my job, it's what I do all day). It is the awkwardness of dividing the responsibilities and agreeing on an approach between all the opinionated ladies involved that I don't enjoy.

The whole process makes me feel like I am back in school working on a group project. You all want to get an "A", but you all want to get it your own way. Some people want to work on it 24-hours a day, some people want to throw something together. It is never much fun and most of us would just rather do it ourselves. And all this negotiation, biting our tongues, pushing our agendas happens in short interspersed emails or distant phone conversations. "I was thinking of hand-knitting baby booties and filling them with bottle-shaped candies for the favors" "OK, that's fine.... I guess... I was thinking of making my own paper, forming it into a box, hand stamping it and putting in a single Godiva truffle." "That's OK, too..." "Well, whatever you want is okay." Blah, blah blah...

I may just not play nice with others. All I know, is I will be happy when planning season is all done and I get to enjoy all the new babies and couples that we have sprinkled with love.