Friday, August 29, 2008


I am just filled for hope and optimism for the country right now. McCain's pick of Sarah Palin for Vice President just put me over the top. For the first time in my life, I feel like we have two presidential candidates that I feel good about. I agree with each of them on some issues and disagree on other issues, but with regards to their character and their passion for making this country better - have we ever seen an election which such great options? Usually at this point in an election I am deciding which of two evils I am voting against. Now, I have to decide which of these two good options am I going to support.

But, if I had any doubt, McCain did just seal the deal with me. I did not even know Sarah Palin's name. I had heard some news stories about this reformer overtaking the incumbent in the Alaska governor race, but I did not pay much heed. However, the more I hear about her, the more I like her. Mother, strong woman, feminist for life, reformer, energetic - all these words describe her. I would choose her for president let alone VP.

However this election turns out, it will be MONUMENTALLY historic. However this election turns out, I feel this country will be headed in a more hopeful direction.

1 comment:

smurp said...

I guess that old cliche is really true...great minds DO think alike. haha!