Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ever Felt Silenced By Your University?

Well, I certainly did. I remember during RA training and throughout my whole experience of being an RA that I was chastised for having a differing point-of-view than the extremely rich yet socially liberal majority. And I went to an extremely conservative college as far as non-religious colleges go. I think I'm probably not the only one who has had this experience.

Someone I know from college has created a documentary on the topic called Indoctrinate U. I have seen much of his other work on You Tube and it is pretty hilarious. This documentary is screening at the Kennedy Center on September 28th and I can't wait to see it. It is something I feel so strongly about that I am sure I will have a something to blog about after it premieres!


smurp said...


Jen Vogelsong said...

Wow, I want to watch this now.

Amelia said...

Did you see the IndoctrinateU website has been "taken down" until further notice? I had forgotten about it until it was mentioned on Sunday.