Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Bears ARE Alive!

When I was younger, someone in my family (I can't remember who) received a gift of a wonderful exercise audio tape for children. Based on the music of the Bee Gees, this "Bearobics" audio tape had teddy bears singing to Bee Gees hits with words adapted for the Teddy Bear band, the "Bear Gees". I loved this tape. How can you not love such classics as:
  • "Bears Are Alive" (ah, ah, ah, ah, Bears are Alive, Bears are Alive)
  • "Disco Teddy Bear" (do disco Teddy Bear, You know how to do it)
  • "Teddy Bear Love" (it's Teddy Bear Love, it's Teddy Bear Love, we really need to love)
I loved this tape (if you cannot decipher this already). So, I was discussing this with my childhood friend during a playdate and she prompted me to look online for it (Thanks, Millie!) I had tried this many times in the past with no luck. This time, though, there was a single auction on eBay for the audio tape in excellent condition. I "Bought It Now" right away.

I cannot wait to post up a song!!!


florence said...

the beargies live on!!! i can't wait to aerobicise to the familiar tunes. only on ebay...what did we ever do without the internet?

Laura said...

Post a song!! I've heard all about the BearGees!!

smurp said...

does this mean i have to let you dress me up and do aerobics in the living room? (it's teddy bear love~it's teddy bear love~)

Amelia said...

Yay! I want a copy. Teady bear love is my favorite. Glad I could inspire you.